
Helga Dieterschulz

Finance director

Financial management is a complex and fascinating challenge. Among ADAMAS Corp. I truly realized as a specialist.


[st_team_member_info_module team_member_photo=”11488″ team_member_info_title=”Specialization” team_member_info_contact=”Contact” team_member_phone_1=”+1 234 567 8901″ team_member_email=”helga@adamas.com” team_member_skype=”helga.adamas” team_member_whatsapp=”+1 234 567 8901″ team_member_info_location=”Location” team_member_info_location_details=”Konrad-Adenauer
Straße 30,
Stuttgart, Germany
70806″ team_member_facebook=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com|||” team_member_twitter=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F|||” team_member_googleplus=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%2F|||” team_member_pinterest=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2F|||” team_member_linkedin=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2F|||” team_member_instagram=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F|||”]

  • Financial management
  • Planning projects
  • Calculation of investments
  • Tax reporting


Financial management 75%
Planning projects 100%
Calculation of investments 60%
Tax reporting 70%
For employees
[st_brochure brochure_width=”100%” brochure_title=”Financial Statements 2016″ brochure_link=”https://slimtemplate.com/adamas/files/ADAMAS-WP-Theme.xls” brochure_title_color=”#5b5b5b” brochure_title_color_hover=”#e5c451″ brochure_bg_color=”#f1f0f0″][st_brochure brochure_width=”100%” brochure_title=”Budgeting 2017″ brochure_link=”https://slimtemplate.com/adamas/files/ADAMAS-WP-Theme.pdf” brochure_title_color=”#ffffff” brochure_title_color_hover=”#e5c451″ brochure_bg_color=”rgba(62,72,128,0.7)”][st_brochure brochure_width=”100%” brochure_title=”The financial policy” brochure_link=”https://slimtemplate.com/adamas/files/ADAMAS-WP-Theme.xls” brochure_title_color=”#ffffff” brochure_title_color_hover=”#e5c451″ brochure_bg_color=”#3e4880″]
I’m glad to be working in such a wonderful company. This is the best place for my self.

In my profession there are no easy points, but the work of the financier is very interesting. For you it is just a number, and the formula, and financial flows for me. It presents enormous opportunities!

Today, the state employees group company Adamas has about 2730 professionals at various levels. The number of branches increased to 27 units worldwide. Park of industrial and construction machinery counts more than 845 units. This year was very important for us. We have opened a new trend – the logistics and financial services. Thanks to new managers and professionals, we quickly came to the proper level of functioning.

You have any questions?

Ask them via the feedback form

Errore: Modulo di contatto non trovato.

Piazza Orsini, n° 27 - 82100 Benevento Tel. 0824/21225 - Fax 0824/47038
E-mail: tribunaleecclesiastico@virgilio.it
PEC Tribunale: tribunaleecclesiastico@pec.it
PEC Cancelleria: tribunaleecclesiastico.cancelleria@pec.it
E-mail presidenza: presidenzateib@gmail.com

Inaugurazione Anno Giudiziario 2025


 Data evento: 10 aprile 2025


"Consenso matrimoniale e crisi dei sistemi di valori"


S.E.R. Mons. Andrea Ripa
Segretario del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica