
Matthias Gholgen

Production manager

I think the sale of goods and services is the most important area in our company.


[st_team_member_info_module team_member_photo=”11488″ team_member_info_title=”Specialization” team_member_info_contact=”Contact” team_member_phone_1=”+1 234 567 8904″ team_member_email=”gholgen@adamas.com” team_member_skype=”gholgen.adamas” team_member_whatsapp=”+1 234 567 8904″ team_member_info_location=”Location” team_member_info_location_details=”Konrad-Adenauer
Straße 30,
Stuttgart, Germany
70806″ team_member_facebook=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com|||” team_member_twitter=”url:https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2F|||” team_member_googleplus=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fplus.google.com%2F|||” team_member_pinterest=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2F|||” team_member_linkedin=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2F|||” team_member_instagram=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F|||”]

  • Sales of goods and services
  • Organization of presentations for key clients
  • Creating sales teams
  • Reporting to the owners


Sales of goods and services 75%
Presentations for key clients 90%
Creating sales teams 50%
Reporting to the owners 20%
Appeal to clients
[st_brochure brochure_width=”100%” brochure_title=”Price list for bearings 2016″ brochure_link=”https://slimtemplate.com/adamas/files/ADAMAS-WP-Theme.doc” brochure_title_color=”#5b5b5b” brochure_title_color_hover=”#e5c451″ brochure_bg_color=”#f1f0f0″][st_brochure brochure_width=”100%” brochure_title=” Characteristics of bricks” brochure_link=”https://slimtemplate.com/adamas/files/ADAMAS-WP-Theme.pdf” brochure_title_color=”#ffffff” brochure_title_color_hover=”#e5c451″ brochure_bg_color=”rgba(62,72,128,0.7)”][st_brochure brochure_width=”100%” brochure_title=”Terms of product delivery” brochure_link=”https://slimtemplate.com/adamas/files/ADAMAS-WP-Theme.xls” brochure_title_color=”#ffffff” brochure_title_color_hover=”#e5c451″ brochure_bg_color=”#3e4880″]
A very important task – to assemble a team of professional and motivated sellers.

A successful company is based on the successful sellers. My team is made up of the most competent and professional sellers. Their main motivation is the company’s image in the international markets.

An impressive experience in the construction of factories, industrial plants across the country allows us to build any production facilities. Take a look at one of our recent projects. It is a factory for the production of wooden and plastic pallets for the storage industry.

We are ready to consider the possibility of co-operation as a contractor. Building any industrial buildings of all sizes and levels of complexity.

You have any questions?

Ask them via the feedback form

Errore: Modulo di contatto non trovato.

Piazza Orsini, n° 27 - 82100 Benevento Tel. 0824/21225 - Fax 0824/47038
E-mail: tribunaleecclesiastico@virgilio.it
PEC Tribunale: tribunaleecclesiastico@pec.it
PEC Cancelleria: tribunaleecclesiastico.cancelleria@pec.it
E-mail presidenza: presidenzateib@gmail.com

Inaugurazione Anno Giudiziario 2025


 Data evento: 10 aprile 2025


"Consenso matrimoniale e crisi dei sistemi di valori"


S.E.R. Mons. Andrea Ripa
Segretario del Supremo Tribunale della Segnatura Apostolica